Hamilton Relay Community Leader Award
We are excited to announce that we have combined our Deaf Community Leader Award and Better Hearing and Speech Month Recognition Award into one — the Hamilton Relay Community Leader Award. This award is open to individuals who are deaf, DeafBlind, late-deafened, hard of hearing or have difficulty speaking and reside in one of our Hamilton-contracted states — and now has been extended to include organizations who serve these communities! To be considered, individuals and/or organizations should possess a commitment to volunteerism, leadership, advocacy and enhancing the lives of those around them.
Award Nominations Now Being Accepted
Is there someone you wish to nominate for the 2023 Hamilton Relay Community Leader Award? To submit your nomination, visit HamiltonRelay.com/CommunityLeader or scan the QR code. Nominations are due July 14, 2023. We look forward to celebrating community leaders each year, and we are thankful for the individuals and organizations working so hard to make our communities a great place!